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Invisalign Teen®

Invisalign® Clear Aligners for Teens in San Pedro, CA

Teenagers face a lot of pressure in their social circles, and well-aligned, radiant teeth can be an excellent way to bolster both their confidence and oral health. At the practice of Louis F. Mascola, DDS, our expert orthodontist specializes in providing Invisalign clear aligner treatments for teens, guiding them toward a future with a brighter and more confident smile.

With decades of experience backing us up and a gentle, empathetic approach, we're prepared to cater to the unique needs of teens. Our team works to create Invisalign treatment plans that resonate with their varied and often fast-paced lifestyles. This personalized approach helps teens engage with the process, paving the way for transformative results. Contact us today to schedule your teen's appointment for Invisalign in San Pedro and give them the gift of a discreetly straightened smile.


Understanding Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign clear aligners are an innovative orthodontic option involving a customized series of transparent trays that fit snugly over your teen's teeth. These aligners apply gentle pressure, gradually guiding smiles into alignment over time.

Invisalign treatment offers a discreet and translucent design, making the aligners virtually invisible to the casual observer. The aligner trays' close fit and low profile allow teens to remain socially active throughout the treatment journey without feeling self-conscious about them. Additionally, because they're removable, Invisalign trays help to keep oral hygiene easy, which is vital amidst their busy lifestyles.

Is Invisalign Treatment Right for My Teen?

While Invisalign aligners are relatively new, they're a widely recognized and proven method for treating a broad range of orthodontic needs. We've seen its effectiveness firsthand and know how well the process fits into younger patients' lives. That's why we generally offer it to eligible teens before exploring other orthodontic options. Dr. Mascola will examine your child's oral structure to determine the suitability of Invisalign clear aligners for their specific needs and goals.

Invisalign braces are excellent for addressing a variety of bite issues and dental complications commonly encountered by teens, including:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Unwanted gaps
  • Underbite
  • Overbite
  • Open bites

Our Customized Treatment Approach

We always prioritize individualized care throughout your teen's journey to a straighter smile. Our orthodontist thoroughly examines and addresses any concerns you or your teen might have. Once we've determined they're good candidates for Invisalign treatment, we'll use our advanced iTero® oral scanner to create precise impressions of their bite.

These detailed models of their teeth are then sent to a trusted dental laboratory, where they'll craft the aligner trays. When we receive the trays at our office, we'll schedule a fitting appointment for the first set. At this time, Dr. Mascola can make any necessary adjustments for comfort and provide comprehensive instructions for at-home care.

Invisalign Treatment Guidelines

During your teen's treatment process, their aligner trays must be worn for at least 22 hours daily. They'll usually wear each set of trays for about two weeks before progressing to the next set. We may schedule periodic visits to monitor their progress, which can be key to ensuring your teen is getting the most out of their Invisalign braces. Our focus is on making the process as effective and straightforward as possible for both teens and parents.

San Pedro Teen Invisalign Treatment FAQs

Deciding on Invisalign treatment for your child's orthodontic needs is a significant choice. We dedicate ourselves to providing comprehensive support and guidance throughout their treatment journey. Whatever questions and concerns arise during the process, our team will be there to provide answers and reassurance. Some questions our patients often bring up include:

How should my teen care for their aligners?

Our team will provide detailed instructions for keeping aligner trays clean during the process. Some everyday things to keep in mind include removing the trays before eating or drinking anything except water and cleaning them daily using neutral soap, water, and a soft-bristled toothbrush.

If your teen misplaces an aligner, contact us immediately, and we can tell you what to do. Depending on when it's lost, your teen may be able to skip to the next set in the series, or we may have to replace it. If a replacement is needed, have them wear their previous set to avoid any setbacks in the treatment.

Retainers are a vital part of the orthodontic treatment process and should be worn according to our orthodontist's instructions. They allow your teen's bite to settle and stabilize, helping to keep your smile straighter for longer.

Trusted Invisalign Braces for Teens in San Pedro

At the practice of Louis F. Mascola, DDS, we take great pride in being advocates for teenagers' orthodontic needs, and we look forward to welcoming you and your family to our office. You can rest assured that with the expert help of our orthodontist, your teen will be on the right path toward a brighter, healthier, and straighter smile. Contact our office today to schedule an appointment and learn more about the transformative benefits of Invisalign clear aligners for teens!



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